These toothbrush holders are for a friend-she wanted there to be holes for 3 brushes, so that's what I did. You just can't see the other two holes.

This is a double-walled pot, thrown upside down. It is about 9" in diameter. It is one of two pieces I entered in the Cypress Gallery spring show.

A friend likes to barbecue oysters in actual oyster shells, after dipping them in a coating mixture, but then it's a big job cleaning the shells so we wondered if ceramic shells would work. I wedged grog and kyanite into the stoneware body, and made shapes just reminiscent of oyster shells, and have suggested gradual heating.
This was a refire from last time. It seemed boring, so I added the color accents.

A 13" platter, for a local Iris Show.

A 10.5 " plate, for the same show.

Also a refire from the last firing. It was plain white, so I dipped it into my dark green glaze, and got this gray-green. I like how it moved over the throwing rings.

This is the other entry for the Spring Show, also thrown upside down. I used the Touchtone iron red glaze, with a flux mix in some areas. This batch of iron red is just not coming out right, and I am going to mix up a new batch with different RIO. I have some nice areas of red here and there, but it's mostly this chestnut color.

This was a refire from last time. It seemed boring, so I added the color accents.

A 13" platter, for a local Iris Show.

A 10.5 " plate, for the same show.

Also a refire from the last firing. It was plain white, so I dipped it into my dark green glaze, and got this gray-green. I like how it moved over the throwing rings.

This is the other entry for the Spring Show, also thrown upside down. I used the Touchtone iron red glaze, with a flux mix in some areas. This batch of iron red is just not coming out right, and I am going to mix up a new batch with different RIO. I have some nice areas of red here and there, but it's mostly this chestnut color.